Results: 21
More challenges at once
And one could make several challenges at once
Add user defined challenges
I would like to define my own challenges. E.g. week without milk, or eggs, or flour, or vegan challenge, etc. It would also be great to take more than one challenge.
Set start date for challenges
Would be nice to set a start date for the challenge giving time to prep for it.
Challenges on the Diary page
after you moved the challenge to the profile page, I never notice it and often forget I startede a challenge, so how about a animated view fade in and out, on top of ...
Make Challenges after tracking meal optional
The challenges screen after tracking a meal and clicking “done” is a cool idea but please give the user a option to make that screen and those challenges optional. ...
Challenges for more than 100 days
The app cannot handle & show your challenge period if it is >100 days. Basically nothing above 3 digit numbers.
After 99 days it reverts to 90 days.
It should ...
Challenge History
It would be nice to have metrics / analysis to see how many times I've done each of the challenges, and my best times (number of days) for each. This way I can ...
Completed challenges
it would be nice if the challenges completed were displayed somewhere
Shopping list for challenges
Would be nice to have shopping lists viewable for challenges before you start the challenge so you know how to prepare for that challenge.
Challenges that can enforce you to get on track
Challenges are just a random counter
They should enforce what they are pursuing
No sugar challenge? If you consume over x grams of sugars the challenge resets ...
Add Challenge Widget
Add widget with hours and minute of our challenge
Challenging times encouragement
If one can record the times saying ‘now it’s hard and I really want to eat a big cake’ OR just press a symbol emoji when it is difficult OR send a help-sign to a ...
Custom Challenges
I think it would be cool to add a custom challenge, with a name, emoji and maybe time.
Under consideration
Allow for more than 1 challenge
What if you want to do more than 1 challenge at the same time? Say you quit smoking and after a while you also want to quit coffee or stop your sugar intake. It's not ...
Option to Add a Challenge to Homepage and to widget
Under consideration
Show challenges on the Diary screen
I did the no coffee challenge once and completely forgot about it because I hardly ever visit that screen.
I wanted to do the no chocolate/sugar challenge because I ...
Idea for a challenge
quit dairy products
Show Past Challenges
Have a section where you show what past challenges you have done and how successful you were with them? For instance I did the chocolate challenge but now I don't ...
Under consideration
Add "challenges" widget
Please add the ability to place the "challenges" widget on your desktop. It motivates and helps you to stay on track longer in maintaining the healthy habit of eating ...
Under consideration
multiple challenges and history of this
it would be very nice if you could do more challenges at the same time, it would also be motivating if the scores of the challenges you have stopped are visible so ...
Under consideration