Automatically update daily calorie goal based on my actual weight
As we are progressing with the weight loss journey, especially with 10+ kg weight loss, it would be good to have the daily calorie goal automatically updated based on your current weight and the calorie deficit needed for that specific weight to successfully progress.
Comments: 5
21 Mar, '22
Patrick MergedIt would be useful when the calories you need te eat is calculated automatically. Now you have to update using the settings in the profile menu.
01 Apr, '22
Nina Admin"Auto calculate calories to eat" (suggested by Patrick on 2022-03-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
19 Nov, '23
JoshI have a smart scale and it calculates the calorie intake based on my weight and body composure. It is connected with Apple Health.
I would like that to be used for the daily calorie goal. More precise, better results -
10 May, '24
AlWait, so right now it just goes off the starting weight no matter what you have lost and have set to current in the app?
Is there a way to update this manually? Do I need to just keep editing my starting weight? -
24 Nov, '24
HenrikCalorie goal for iOS users could pull from apple health “Resting Energy” value. This would be accurate only if user keeps weight in iOS health up to date (height and sex must be set accurately as well).