Calendar to choose specific day when adding meal from recipe view
When clicking the "+" button from recipe view, you can only choose quantity and meal of the day, but not for instance a different day to add the meal to. It could be useful to have a calendar option or pop-up in this secton, in order to choose a different day
Comments: 2
25 Jul, '22
Skrik MergedPlease allow choosing the day I want to add a recipe to - the current way doesn't allow to pre-plan meals for the whole week from the recipe section and that is a massive shame - since I believe that most people would use the recipes in the planning stage, when you plan to do groceries for the week.
Now I have to favourite the recipes first to be able to distribute them - and that becomes a massive pain once I have more than, say, 20 recipes in my favorites. -
07 Dec, '22
Felix Kern Admin"Allow adding recipes ro a specific day" (suggested by Skrik on 2022-07-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.