Edit ingredients of given recipes
Will be perfect have an option to edit the ingredients on the recipes or swap for another one, now if you want change the ingredient maybe because i haven't or you don't eat soya
Comments: 42
09 Jan, '19
AdamOr just simply you had 150g more meat and you cooked that as well. +1
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04 Mar, '19
LassiWhen theres items on the recipe with packaging sizes which dont scale well with the +- buttons, this would be the best option.
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25 Mar, '19
Dumas Giannini MergedI propose to be able to change the ingredients of the recipes already proposed in the application. Sometimes we do not have them and sometimes we do not like them.
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28 Mar, '19
Admin"change items of recipes" (suggested by Dumas Giannini on 2019-03-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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04 May, '19
NicolaEditing of quantities and image of own (private) recipes is missing as well
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15 May, '19
Katarina KlaricI just want to give the same suggestion 😁
14 Jun, '19
RobertPlease make sure that such changes to recipes will not affect already eaten meals in the past as it is currently the case when editing a recipe.
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03 Aug, '19
Daniel MilesI would like to be able to change the ingredients or amount in then as well
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05 Nov, '19
NicolaPlease consider that as of today's date, editing personal receipts affects diary past entries while changes should affect only future entries. Please keep in mind while developing this item.
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17 Mar, '20
RK YoungI would like recipes I enter to be editable, as well.
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08 Apr, '20
Jenny Ugalde+1 vote for that. To edit ingredients or weight of ingredients would be excellent
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28 Apr, '20
MariannaYes, agree with all the comments above. Would be great to be able to modify ingredients and that the change is reflected into the count of calories/carbs/fat...
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25 May, '20
StefaniaSarebbe bello modificare la ricetta in base alle proprie esigenze ed in base agli ingredienti che si hanno in casa. Quindi mi piacerebbe modificare, eliminare, aggiungere ogni ingrediente di una ricetta. In questo modo sara' possibile aggiungerla al diario perche' completa come la vogliamo noi. Al momento devo ricopiare sul diario ogni ingrediente e peso di ogni ingrediente per avere la giusta quota di Calorie e Macro.
29 May, '20
AlexActually, sometimes I take a recipe but I change one or two ingredient...It could be nice to just modify ingredients rather than create an other recipe
Thanks -
16 Jun, '20
Andrea MergedHello
could be useful edit recipes in the section in the section shows in pictures -
18 Jun, '20
Mariann M. Admin"Editing recipe" (suggested by Andrea on 2020-06-16), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
19 Jun, '20
Charles MergedI’d like to see the ability to edit ingredients of a recipe when downloaded into a meal. At present only the number of servings can be changed but not possible to make substitutions without editing the whole recipe.
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29 Jun, '20
Mariann M. Admin"As hoc recipe edits" (suggested by Charles on 2020-06-19), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
05 Aug, '20
BoglárkaI wish i could change some ingredients (like i don't like spinach, or sweet potato, so i make food without them, but i still have to count with the other 4-8 ingredients...) If we could change the ingredients, it would be so much easier!
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02 Nov, '20
CamiliaYes !! It is much needed !
22 Jan, '21
InnaI also agree that editing recipe would be a valuable function. So far I could not find it in the app.
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08 Apr, '21
Emilie+1 for this one 🙏
I try to adapt with each ingredient.
Example: in a recipe for 4 portions there are:
* 3 avocados
* 180g of tuna
* 3 eggs
* 200g of tomatoes
* Etc.
The idea would be to be able to adapt this recipe according to our desire, our cupboard, our needs:
Example: always for 4 portions there would be:
* 2 avocados
* 180g of tuna
* 3 eggs
* 150g of tomatoes
And the app would automatically recalculate the nutritional values. -
17 Apr, '21
Matteo Mergedit is not possible to modify a recipe in the doses and ingredients without modifying the data entered in the previous days with the same recipe, the possibility of inserting occasional changes that do not affect the original recipe would be welcome, so that these changes do not affect the inclusion of this recipe in the previous days
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18 Jun, '21
Felix Kern Admin"occasional modification of the recipe" (suggested by Matteo on 2021-04-17), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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30 Jun, '21
Lady Lauit should be possible to modify the recipes to change a food or personalize it
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09 Jul, '21
LucaSometime happens to change quantity of some ingredients in a created recipe, or to remove/add ingredients.
i really like that in the event of saving the recipe, Yazio asks me three simple things:
1 do you want to update all the future and past recipes?
2 do you want to change recipe only for this meal?
3 do you want to change this recipe from this day on??
it is very frequent not having some ingredients and preparing the usual recipe differently only for the current meal. For sure the past recipes should not be changed by default. -
31 Aug, '21
Nadia FrancfortIt would be a great advantage to be able to modify Yazio's recipes if we are missing something or if we prefer to change it. Please think about it.
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13 Sep, '21
kpThis would be a very useful feature, most especially if the calories and nutrients were evaluated, e.g. when you change maple syrup to honey, or when you use less or more of only one ingredient in the recipe.
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14 Sep, '21
HenryYou should code a scrubber for your food db for obvious and blatant errors.
I've seen soooo many recipes where the sodium must have been entered as grams and now the recipes show them as 150,000 mgs of sodium.
I noticed upon review that I was supposedly eating 2.5 lbs (1.13398 kg) of sodium a day.
There are SO many error. -
06 Jan, '22
DamianAgree that this would be great, to swap generic ingredients out with specific brand's ones, it would make the recipes more accurate for each user.
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30 May, '22
SoniaI think it would be advisable that when adding Yazio's recipes to the diary there was an option that would allow the ingredients that make it up to be modified (remove ingredients, add new ones, modify the quantities).
Also, if I add recipes created on later days, they are passed to today. It does not give you the option to choose on that day. -
02 Nov, '22
Sue FAnd to copy the recipe to change it.
09 Mar, '23
FloYes, it would be very useful to be able to modify the foods (you don't always find all the foods in all countries) and the quantities. The application also needs to recalculate the nutritional values.
12 Mar, '23
SerhiiBe able to change the weight of the finished recipe (because when cooking, frying, the weight of the finished recipe may change)
01 Jun, '23
MarianneI would really like this feature. My urgent need would be to be able to copy a self added recipe and make modifications as I normally want to keep also the original one. This would be so nice instead of entering it all in once more. Thanks!
06 Jul, '23
Giusy PappalardoSarebbe fantastico poter avere il tasto “modifica” nelle ricette proposte da YAZIO, sia per poter sostituire un alimento (nel caso non piaccia o non è in casa) o per modificarne la quantità in grammi.
06 Jul, '23
Giusy PappalardoIt would be fantastic to have the "modify" button in the recipes proposed by YAZIO, both to be able to replace a food (in case you don't like it or it isn't at home) and to modify its quantity in grams.
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18 Aug, '23
MillieI enjoy the recipes. But what about making it so you can adjust recipes. Like taking out salt, sugar, and fats, or use substitution ideas, and being able to eliminate them all together. Would be very cool.
My husband needs to be on a low salt diet. Puhaps adding a High blood pressure, diabetes, & heart healthy diet. -
11 Sep, '23
AntonioI suggest editing a new recipe as a variant of an already saved recipe and saving it with another name.
08 Jan, '24
MauriceThis addition is really needed! Now I’m not able to swap ingredients or even adjust the portion size (e.g 80 grams rice in stead of 75 grams).
When will this be implemented? -
08 Aug, '24
PieroIt would be interesting to be able to edit a proposed recipe to make it personalized for several reasons: food allergies, dislike of certain foods, improving the recipe according to personal tastes, and having better tracking.
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04 Dec, '24
MichałSure, here it is. So:
1. in your app theres the "post" fragment. I simply dont use it. But i cant turn it off or just remove it from options. It takes 1/4 of the space and just isn't nessecary.
2. Also I'd like to add some comment - when I want to add some recipee to the day, I can only add it to the current day. Sometimes i plan and calculate few days in advance - it'd be neat if i could choose the days.
It would also be awesome If I could add some of the ingredients of the recipee to my meal - sometimes i dont use oil, or others but i cant change it when i add the meal, i can only delete it. Just adding the ingredients/adding edit button to the meal i chose would be great.
I hope i dont add too much.