Copy recipe to create a new one
Create new recipe based on one already existed to avoid entering again the common ingredients.
Something like 'Copy recipe' button to create new one
Comments: 25
11 Aug, '19
MPPR MergedExample. Minestrone (soup} one recipie
Pesto (sauce) one recipie
Minestrone + Pesto = Minestrone alla Genovese, final recipie. -
29 Aug, '19
Admin"Add a recipie to another recipie as an ingredient" (suggested by MPPR on 2019-08-11), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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29 Sep, '20
Søren Rothman MergedI made a pasta sauce that we had for dinner. I have left overs of it and would like to combine the recipe with more ingredients to make it a lasagne.
I cant how ever use a recipe as an ingredient in another recipe -
02 Oct, '20
Lotta Admin"Combine Recipe" (suggested by Søren Rothman on 2020-09-29), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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08 Dec, '20
Very useful for recipes that differ for just some ingredients -
31 Dec, '20
Nidhi MergedIf you want to do variation on the existing recipes created but don’t want to loose the original one then this option should help to copy all ingredients & cooking directions creating a new entry.
Example if I have created a rice salad recipe but want to use quinoa but other ingredients to remain the same. Currently I have to delete rice & add quinoa but it changes my previous entry. With copy function I can create Quinoa salad recipe within seconds else have to keep asking each ingredients and their weight required by taking pictures of the rice salad recipe.
Due to no copy function I have same food with multiple entries as curry 1, curry 2 etc. since not all times I will have same ingredients at home.
Request to help with the above. -
02 Feb, '21
Andrew MergedUsually people are modifying their recipes by adding something, overall, experimenting. Duplicating, renaming, changing steps is a good option imo.
21 May, '21
LizetteTo be able to add a recipe to a recipe will be great especially for home made sauces to add to a recipe example cheese sauce with lasagne.
24 Jun, '21
Andrea Mergedit would be nice to create a new recipe starting from the old one without losing it. Having a "save as" option.
25 Jun, '21
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin"New receipt from an old one" (suggested by Andrea on 2021-06-24), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
25 Jun, '21
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin"Duplicate recipes" (suggested by Andrew on 2021-02-02), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
25 Jun, '21
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin"Copying recipe created to create a new one" (suggested by Nidhi on 2020-12-31), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
30 Nov, '21
Nidhi SangarLong time waiting for this function. We are always looking to make combinations but are unable to club our own existing recipe to create a new one.
01 Feb, '22
David Monterroso CabelloSame here, i just created my recipe for ragu bolognese and i would like to add that recipe as a base for a cannelloni
03 Mar, '22
KJV MergedI make a lot of bran muffins. Sometimes I use raisins. Sometimes I use cherries. Sometimes I use chocolate chips. Entering a separate recipe for each of these is so painful in the app. Being able to copy one and then sub out the one ingredient I change would help so much.
01 Apr, '22
Nina Admin"Copy a recipe to make entering similar recipes easier" (suggested by KJV on 2022-03-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Apr, '22
Would be nice to copy a recipe from the recipes section to adapt it with our own quantities or ingredients regarding what we are doing -
28 Jun, '22
Shelly Han MergedWould be great if I can duplicate a recipe and edit based on that to keep track of things.
28 Jun, '22
Shelly Han MergedWould be great if I can duplicate a recipe and edit based on that to keep track of things.
07 Dec, '22
Felix Kern Admin"Ability to duplicate an existing recipe and edit" (suggested by Shelly Han on 2022-06-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
07 Dec, '22
Felix Kern Admin"Ability to duplicate an existing recipe and edit" (suggested by Shelly Han on 2022-06-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
20 Jan, '23
David MergedEffectively, It would be nice to be able to copy paste recipes to be able to change just a little bit a recipe.
Which would be the same base but just different on meat, starchy or sauce.
Since it’s such a shame to have to do it all over again. -
23 Jan, '23
Felix Kern Admin"Copy, pastes recipes" (suggested by David on 2023-01-20), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
02 Oct, '23
AndreasUse an existing recipe as an ingredient in another recipe.
I prepare a lot of canned food based on products from my own farm. I enter these canned foods as recipes in yazio.
When I at a later stage is making some actual food that I add as a recipe in yazio I might want to add "300g of my own canned tomato sauce" and "20g of my own chili sauce" etc as ingredients to my recipe together with all other ingredients. -
13 Aug, '24
DavidCopying recipes is definitely a needed feature. For example I am making several variations of the same recipe, where only 1 or 2 ingredients are changing. In that case its hugely cumbersome to have to enter the other ingredients that stay the same, including all the right quantities. A copy/paste recipe feature would solve this.