give suggestions to reach meal goal
If you want to reach the calculated meal goal. It would be good to get a suggestion what to eat more of in the meal to reach it or what to remove.
Comments: 3
08 Jul, '22
Azzurra MergedIt would be helpful if YAZIO could recommend meals based on the remaining calories and grams of carbs, protein and fat left in a day. There are days where there it’s difficult to find a meal (especially the last meal of the day) that completes the total calories and macros without exceeding the objectives that we set, so what if automation could propose some meals and automatically count the calories and grams based on what we have left?
07 Oct, '22
Cristiano LancerottoI totally agree eith your suggestion!
07 Dec, '22
Felix Kern Admin"Suggest meal based on leftover calories and macro" (suggested by Azzurra on 2022-07-08), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.