Add Allergies/intolerances to profile
Especially for the coach and the recipes, make it possible so you can add things like allergies or intolerances or preferences.
Comments: 60
15 Mar, '19
Cindi MergedSuch as diabetes, kidney failure, high blood pressure, gluten intolerance and allergies.
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16 Mar, '19
Ale Mergedit would be interesting to have the possibility to enter your own food intolerances to select the best recipes
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23 Mar, '19
SaraYes! This would be amazing, since I'm allergic to almost everything. I also saw the "swap an ingredient to another in a recipe" suggestion, and that would help too
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28 Mar, '19
Admin"food intolerances" (suggested by Ale on 2019-03-16), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
01 Aug, '19
Marie Lindberg MergedI am allergic to nuts and almonds, and as an allergic, it's very hard to use the recipies for the keto diets. It's nuts, almondflour and almonds in almost everything. When searching for recipies, you can choose non diary and non gluten, you can choose amongst a lot of diferent diets, but you cant choose to filter by allergies. I would like to be able to search for recipies without the things im allergic to. My suggestion is to add the possibility to filter the search not just by diet but by alle
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25 Aug, '19
F MergedIt would be great if i could add this information to my profile. The app wouldn't recommend any recipes with the allergic ingredient in it.
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29 Aug, '19
Admin"Add allergies/food intolerances" (suggested by F on 2019-08-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
29 Aug, '19
Admin"Recipies without nuts and the possibility to search for recipies without nuts." (suggested by Marie Lindberg on 2019-08-01), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
24 Oct, '19
ThirsYes, that would be a tremendous help indeed! I'm also having a hard time using the recipes, because I'm allergic to legumes, peanuts and nuts... Almost undoable to find anything usefull...
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25 Oct, '19
Brigitta K. Perez MergedLike to be able to ad Insulin Resistance and have options to follow Low Fodmap diet
09 Nov, '19
ZackEx. Dairy free in addition to lactose free. Big difference.
28 Apr, '20
Mariann M. Admin Merged"Gluten free" (suggested by Rita on 2020-04-24), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
12 May, '20
Sofia MergedCan you please add recipes and/or plan for people with underactive thyroid?
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13 May, '20
Mariann M. Admin Merged"Add underactive thyroid recipes" (suggested by Sofia on 2020-05-12), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
18 May, '20
Freya MergedIt would be nice to have a category for people who have a gastric bypass. For example: more snacktimes, tip: don’t drink during meal etc.,...
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03 Jun, '20
Mariann M. Admin Merged"Gastric Bypass" (suggested by Freya on 2020-05-18), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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17 Jul, '20
ChristinaI would love a filter for allergies and intolerances. I am allergic to nuts and peanuts
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24 Jul, '20
Michael Louwrens MergedFor meal suggestions, Seafood and shellfish in particular is mentioned in some of the meals. Allergies should be included as meal preference options. Nut allergies and seafood allergies are relatively prevalent enough to warrant an inclusion.
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28 Jul, '20
Lotta Admin"Include removing seafood as a meal preference" (suggested by Michael Louwrens on 2020-07-24), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
06 Aug, '20
Acqua MergedAdd please a possibility to excluse from diet and recipies fish and sea food for persons with a strong allergy like me.
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12 Aug, '20
cristina MergedI am not celiac but have gluten intolerance and some more allergies to food, all caused by histamine, we find though HISTAMINE in all food, however if I keep low levels I avoid migraines, food allergies and the worst of all the severe stomach swelling I suffer after eating for years. it would be really amazing when you could add this feature to your amazing app, it will make the difference I guess for many people.
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21 Aug, '20
Mariann M. Admin"Fish and sea food" (suggested by Acqua on 2020-08-06), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Sep, '20
Daphne MergedMeals to lower your cholesterol
17 Sep, '20
Bluek MergedGood but still missing some things ... Like indicate in your profile if one is vegetarian rather than vegan or intolerant or allergic to certain foods. This seems to me to be fundamental for a correct personalization and offer, especially for the planned programs. I immediately bought the Pro version and I hope not to regret it, trusting in an update soon for this too😉
18 Sep, '20
Mariann M. Admin"enhance the profile for more customization" (suggested by Bluek on 2020-09-17), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Sep, '20
Barbara May MergedIt would be awesome to specify the tipe of diet bc the diabetics have special needs and timings.
21 Oct, '20
Rosilene Gomes Mergedyou can create special diets for people over 60
05 Nov, '20
Bauke MergedHi,
I have a measuring device for my blood sucker values, that adds the info to apple's health app. This app is configured to wrote the to yazio. I would like an option on the dashboard to see that value, just like weight. Thanks -
06 Nov, '20
Fabrizio Admin Merged"Diabetic info on dashboard" (suggested by Bauke on 2020-11-05), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
06 Nov, '20
Fabrizio Admin Merged"Special diets for over 60" (suggested by Rosilene Gomes on 2020-10-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
06 Nov, '20
Fabrizio Admin Merged"Cholesterol lowering meals" (suggested by Daphne on 2020-09-16), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
19 Nov, '20
JessicaIt would be great to add our allergies or specific diary to our profile in order to receive from the Coach only meals/ideas/recipes we can eat :)
26 Nov, '20
Riya Gurung MergedAlong with diabetes, insulin resistance and thyroid diet. As a premium I thought I will get these facilities but am disappointed
Another suggestion would be give us proper guidance at the end of the day. So that next day we can improve. For example, you can say avoid more sugar in lunch or say you're doing great keep it up and give motivation -
30 Nov, '20
ElenI am allergic in ceveral foods, so in order to use the feature "meals" effectively, I would like to exclude certain food categories (ex all categories of nuts) or specific food (ex cabbage).
That might also help with foods that someone cannot find in his country 's supermarket. -
04 Dec, '20
PeggyIt would be SUPER nice if this was possible. For instance I am allergic to everything that lives 'in the sea' which means that I can eat some fish (fi salmon) when then live most of the time in rivers but almost no fish at all. If there was a possibility to choose between different suggestions or 'you can chance an ingredient by an other one' it would also be nice (excuse me if I use wrong words but English is not my native language)
25 Jan, '21
Mark SmithsonIt would be a fantastic feature to allow the input of foods that the user is intolerant or allergic to, so by making the recipes more individual to the user or by suggesting alternatives to the foods not wanted.
It would also make the app more user friendly and safe -
29 Jan, '21
Céline GosselainFor health reasons I have to split my meals and eat 5 times a day. Is it possible to customize the Coach and the newspaper with 5 meals. I have many food intolerances and I would like to have a Coach advice that takes them into account so that I can enjoy it (onions, leeks, mushrooms and cabbage)
02 Feb, '21
Cristina MergedMore and more women are diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and discover they have food sensitivity: gluten, lactose, soy. The symptoms range from bloating, to chronic fatigue, to brain fog, chronic constipation, and severe headaches. We need to be more careful about gut health.
23 Feb, '21
Yvonne van Egmond MergedBecause my diabetics type 2 and the knowledge that the numbers of these kind of patients worldwide are growing, I asked for a extra goal to achieve in the app, especially designed for these diabetics. We diabetics have to look after our carbohydrate consumption. For now it helps a bit, but it is not perfect. It can much better.
19 Apr, '21
Mel Zuazaga MergedGood Morning!
I recently tested positive for type two diabetes. There are paid apps for a proper diet, but I would love to stick with Yazio. My suggestion is that Yazio adopt a plan with advice, for those of us who want to lose weight and eat healthy food. And if it is possible to overcome the disease. -
24 May, '21
GYULA Papp MergedHi All!
Dear Developers!
Great program!
What I'm missing from it:
- data export function
- recording blood sugar levels before and after meals
Meal-linked blood glucose levels are beneficial to treating physicians because they will show the blood sugar levels associated with calorie intake.
Best regads: Gyula -
30 Jul, '21
Sabine Mergedif you are looking for a recipe or in your meal plan, the choice for no fish
02 Aug, '21
Fareubonjouf being affected by ankylosing spondylitis and interstitial cystitis therefore chronic autoimmune disease is it possible to create profiles requiring hypotoxic food therefore without processed food, acid, fruits ...
09 Aug, '21
Zsofia Schuler MergedIt would help a lot of people, if we could find next to the recipies information about the food allergens and filter them (gluten, milk protein, egg, soya, nuts, fish).
18 Aug, '21
Mateo Admin"Add food allergies and food intolerances (milk protein, egg, soya…) to the filters" (suggested by Zsofia Schuler on 2021-08-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
18 Aug, '21
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin"Option No fish" (suggested by Sabine on 2021-07-30), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
15 Sep, '21
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin Merged"Add gluten free recipes" (suggested by Cristina on 2021-02-02), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Jan, '22
Mara MergedHi YAZIO Team. I have a fructose intolerance, and react very strongly to some fruits and vegetables. Therefore, I can not try many recipes. It would be great if you could incorporate this into your app. I would love to be able to use it more, try new recipes. It is very idle to find recipes that I can eat without hesitation.
I would be very happy to see such a customization. -
10 Jan, '22
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin"Add specific health conditions to the profile" (suggested by Cindi on 2019-03-15), including upvotes (47) and comments (20), was merged into this suggestion.
10 Jan, '22
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin"Add the function for intolerance into the App" (suggested by Mara on 2022-01-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.