Track all micro And macro elements from user defined food
I wonder why it is not possible to set the amount of all micro/macro elements when creating new “food”. For example it is possible to define sodium but potassium field is absent. I would like to track all micro and macro elements from food created by me.
Comments: 53
22 Apr, '20
p0bsTotally agree. And alcohol! (After all, you can track it, so why not add it to a user-defined food.)
03 Jun, '20
Mariann M. Admin"let us insert all nutrients when adding a food(like vitamins and minerals)" (suggested by Alex on 2020-05-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
09 Jun, '20
ZsoltYes, I aggree too. When I add a new food, (special dietary supplements, or Vitamins, Minerals etc) I can't add the values of macros. But this is the base of this products !!!
10 Jun, '20
SilviaAlso vitamin B group is completely missing. As known B12 is available only in meat so in a vegetarian/vegan diet B12 supplement is a must but there is no way to track any vitamin B yet
18 Jun, '20
HanaminI’m adding my voice to this one because I would love it if YAZIO added this functionality!
Especially b vitamins, for the reasons mentioned above.
Please make this great app even better! -
25 Jun, '20
Will. I. AmI suffer from chronic migraines, and need to track B2, B12, Coq10, & magnesium. Tracking this his vital for my health.
I take supplements to help boost these mineral & vitamin level to help prevent my migraines.
Allowing people to keep track of the small things in food can help people idtenfy triggers that could effect their medical condition, which they may not know at the time. -
14 Jul, '20
Artur MergedWhen creating your own meals, please enter the option CHOLESTEROL. A counter with Omega 3,6,9 acids would also be useful. This is very importent. Thx
18 Jul, '20
ErlendI would really appreciate this feature!
24 Jul, '20
Lotta Admin"CHOLESTEROL" (suggested by Artur on 2020-07-14), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
31 Jul, '20
Roy Keisi MergedI really miss the option to add more nutrition facts to the foods I create, like B1, dietary cholesterol and more. I wish you add the option to add all the facts that show on verified foods (the full 'other', 'vitamins' and 'minerals' sections).
05 Aug, '20
GurraI agree want to be able to specify vitamins and minerals when adding food/recepts
12 Aug, '20
Vincent MergedIt annoys me, that it is not possible to add certain values for custom foods, like water, alcohol and various minerals via the "Create food" menu. I would suggest a kind of "Advanced mode" for this menu, where you can edit those values.
Also please remove the enforcement of non-zero values for calories in this menu. -
21 Aug, '20
Mariann M. Admin"Add more nutrition facts to created product" (suggested by Roy Keisi on 2020-07-31), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
21 Aug, '20
Mariann M. Admin"More values for custom foods" (suggested by Vincent on 2020-08-12), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Aug, '20
Beth MergedWhen you enter a food (in my case I was trying to enter my multi vitamin) it doesn't provide you with the option to input all nutrients that the app tracks, e.g. B12, which in my case renders my Pro subsription pretty useless as I'm a vegan trying to track nutrient intake
07 Sep, '20
Lotta Admin"Better nutrient data" (suggested by Beth on 2020-08-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
09 Sep, '20
Martin MergedHello. Could you please add more options of ingredients in products? For example medical supplements containing collagen, msm etc. I would like to track these values too. Thank you very much!
18 Sep, '20
Mariann M. Admin"Add more ingredients options" (suggested by Martin on 2020-09-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
15 Oct, '20
T hI agree. There should be the option to add the following:
- dietary cholesterol
- the type of polyunsaturated fats (I.e OMEGA 6 and OMEGA 3)
- potassium
- b vitamins (riboflavin, niacin, b6, b12...)
- selenium
- zinc
A bonus would be amino acids (specific names) -
28 Oct, '20
DinaI totally agree with these ideas. Although i was mainly concerned with water and alcohol, i also noticed the absence of several minerals and vitamins, specially the B group ones.
25 Nov, '20
DenisaI agree! It will be so good to add dietery product or vitamins with all nutritients and macros and so on. Please please place this posibility to app 🤍
04 Jan, '21
LucaThis is a must need for a food nutrition app. I want to edit my foods with all the possible variables in my hands
07 Jan, '21
Christos Evangeliou‘Cholesterol’ is very important and valuable information that protects us from cardiovascular diseases. You are kindly requested to include this index in your next app release.
18 Jan, '21
ViniciusHey guys!
I’d like to suggest to put in some place the option "mg" of caffeine per day.
I think it is very important to check because of the impacts on health, especially regarding dependency, sleeping, migraine, anxiety, etc.
So, it would be nice to have a tracker with alerts and tips on the ideal amount of caffeine recommended per day. -
20 Jan, '21
Vadym+1 for potassium!
Actually all minerals and vitamins should be available to fill when add custom food. It's obvious and logical feature from my point of view -
26 Jan, '21
Mikko WaltariControlling/lowering cholesterol and sugar level would require more precise information on intake vs recommended cholesterol and fibre on per meal/daily values. This is what I’d like to see added to YAZIO.
I think these (cholesterol&sugar) are also the most important factors along blood pressure in maintaining good healt. -
26 Jan, '21
AnnalisaI totally agree to all of the suggestions here.
I'm using several supplements, with different amino acids, hyaluronic acid, vitamins E, B group, D, Omega 3 and 6 and many other elements.
Would be nice also to have the possibility to ad water, as I use to drink herbal tea, but the water that I use isn't added to the daily amount.
Many thanks for the work you're doing for us 😃👍🏻 -
13 Feb, '21
Sus MergedFor exampel; I can't register vitamin D when I register a milk product because the only option is milligram.
07 Mar, '21
Ahmed Zaky MergedAll vitamins like B12 , B5 , potassium to add in user defines and other to be added
Some supplements not find and cant add well -
09 Mar, '21
KatishaHello, now I ask you to add IODINE to the list of trace elements, many do not buy a paid subscription due to the fact that the iodine indicators are not taken into account. You will expand your audience, and I will also become a paid subscriber when yod appears. Thank you very much
31 Mar, '21
RellieAgree, would like to track alcohol and vitimine B. Thats why i paid for pro, but now find out it is not yet possible..
07 May, '21
MaciekPlease add option to coount more details about fats and recommended range of their intake
Saturated fats, Transfats, Monounsaturated fats, Polyunsaturated fats.
Also split for animal-based protein and vegetable-based protein would be helpful. -
09 May, '21
KamillaAgree. I too would like to be able to track alcohol and vitamins and minerals.
When one eats a specific diet, having the full overview of vitamins and minerals ingested, is very important. When one is paying for the pro version it should without a doubt be an option. -
11 May, '21
Fukayamamo MergedThe only food that's verified has a value such as potassium on it. If so, when I strictly log my daily calories, the nutrition analysis for potassium, cholesterol, and such won't matter. Because I am a user who loves to add food items to my own. I hope this will get fixed soon.
I also won't get any notification if I modify an item. (I am using the Chinese database, perhaps not as many staffs work there?) If the ability to input numbers for potassium/cholesterol is enabled, I will have lots of modifications that need to be made. A notification or even refreshed icon on a food item will be helpful! -
11 May, '21
Roberto torresIf it is important to add all micronutrients since it can be an important factor for us, nutritionists, to recommend your app and to bring healthy habits and control of all kinds together with patients and not only focusing on macro nutrients but also to consider their use in athletes n please I hope they can support with that and adding cholesterol in addition to being able to edit the food even if it is like that for the public and not have to deprive them
01 Jun, '21
LUCAAdd "ethanol" option too - is not corret to use carbohidrates to compose a coctail or distillates
ethanol 1ml = 5,6Kcal and no macro used. TY -
11 Jun, '21
Olga AbasovaДа, это очень необходимо!
Yes, it is very necessary! -
15 Jun, '21
christianeI Agree.. although the app is user friendly but it is missing lots of information, especially minerals, vit, etc...
20 Jun, '21
Eleonora MergedUsing the Yazio application and taking the supplements I realized that there is not the possibility to insert all but all the ingredients that are in the supplements.
It is not possible to include all the vitamins of group B if the doses are known. It lacks the possibility of including Iodine, Biotin, Folate, Zinc, Potassium, Copper, Selenium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Taurine, PABA, Inositol, Choline, Coenzyme Q10, pantothenic acid (Coenzyme A).
It is not possible to enter the amino acid profile of the food (Glutamine, leucine, lysine, aspartic acid, proline, isoleucine, threonine, valine, serine, alanine, phenylanine, tyrosine, arginine, methionine, histidine, cysteine, glycine, tryptophan ).
It is not possible to insert ingredients such as: Fructooligosaccharides, inulin, guarana (of which caffeine), ginseng, (of which ginsenosides), green tea (of which polyphenols), fermented papaya, vegetable juice, grapes (of which PAC), bacillus coagulans. -
21 Jun, '21
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin"Missing important information about Yazio" (suggested by Eleonora on 2021-06-20), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
25 Jun, '21
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin"When I creating new food item, I want to be able to input values for potassium, cholesterol, etc." (suggested by Fukayamamo on 2021-05-11), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
25 Jun, '21
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin"Multivitamin and other nutrition supplements to-be added in user defined" (suggested by Ahmed Zaky on 2021-03-07), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
23 Jul, '21
SreePlease make this change happen, it would be better if we can add all sorts of minerals and vitamin fields for the food we created. It gives a true picture on daily intake of vitamins and minerals.
30 Aug, '21
NicolaAll macro and micro for new food please 🙏🏻
13 Sep, '21
AndreaIn a PRO version I expect to be able to input values for all kind of vitamins, minerals, cholesterol, omega 3,6,9, taurine, caffeine, alcohol, amino acid profile, polyphenols and so on.
15 Sep, '21
Felix Kern Admin"Add micro grams for registration of food" (suggested by Sus on 2021-02-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
30 Sep, '21
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin"Adding alcohol as nutritional element" (suggested by KC on 2021-09-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
02 Nov, '21
MeYou need to add a way to track supplements. Such as Goli
14 Nov, '21
hupsI would like to ask updates for these things. When adding a new entry to the app it would be nice if..
1. ..when adding vitamins I could add the nutrients by the PILL/TABLET because that's the way it's written in the box. Not by grams.
2. ..when adding vitamins I could choose the option of 0 kcal.
3. ..when adding any food, including vitamins, I could add all the nutrients at once.
4. ..the app had also an option for mcg, or if not, then the mg option should let me add enough digits, like x,xxx mg for all nutrients.
5. ..there should be reminder or calculator or something to notify people that don't mix mcg and mg.
6. would add folic acid / folate / vitamin B9 in the nutrients as well (important for those who are pregnant or plan getting to)
7. ..there was a custom made daily min and max goal / intake value for nutrients. -
18 Jul, '22
VladyslavHi. I would like to be able to add water, sodium, cholesterol, alcohol, b-car, vitamin B9, vitamin H, vitamin pp