More options to filter favorite recipes
I've tried bunch of recipes by now, and noticed that it would be great to be able to filter or sort my favorites further. Like example recipes I love, recipes I'd like to try etc.
Comments: 14
29 Nov, '18
Andre MergedI would like to group my favourite recipes into different list, for example: "tasty", "maked", "not good","mexican" etc.
Now I have bunch of recipes in one favourite list and this is very uncomfortable to search something. -
09 Apr, '19
Dolores MergedAgreed, I'd love a better way to keep track of my recipes
27 May, '20
Rene ZbindenAnother option would be to add a tick box for favorites in recipe filter. With that filter option favorites would be searchable and I assume it is pretty easy to implement.
14 Aug, '20
LourdesI agree with Rene: finding a custom or favourite recipe with the current system is ineffective and excruciatingly time consuming. It would be great if there was some kind of filter to specify which database to search for a given set of keywords (Yazio's general database, favourite foods, custom recipes, etc.).
10 Nov, '20
CécileYes !! I would like same functionality! Should be great !
19 Nov, '20
Deborah MergedWhen you are PRO and search in recipies they are organized in to categories (breakfast, diner, lunch, dessert,...)
We can select recipies as favorites by adding a ⭐️.
It would be easier for our favorites to be organized in to the same categories in our favorites. Now they are organized in order of time we made a favorite. Diner, dessert,... all together. -
17 Feb, '21
Nausicaa MergedI recommend the ability to personalise a recipe book by meal categories (pasta, meat, fish, dessert).
At the moment it’s possible to only save the recipes, however over time the number of recipes will accumulate and therefore it will be difficult to find specific ones. -
25 Mar, '21
Lou MergedHello, I've been a Premium user for a while now and, consequently, I've added a lot of custom meals and recipes to Yazio over time. The problem is, finding a given recipe or saved meal is an excruciating, very time consuming process, because the search engine only indexes items from Yazio's general (predefined) database: it's impossible to find a recipe or even a meal I created using the search box. This impairs greatly my usage of the app, since finding one of my recipes manually (reading one by one the items from what is now an EXTREMELY long list) takes me hours. The app is supposed to make meal planning really easy, but in such circumstances as described, it's doing exactly the opposite. Could you please introduce some kind of filter that enables users to find their own custom lists of meals and recipes using the search box? Thank you
31 Mar, '21
Hi there, I’m loving the app! It’d be cool though if I could filter my “saved for later” recipes. I love so many of them that I just can’t find the one I’m looking for when I need to :) -
27 Apr, '21
EvxYes !!! I post the same thing.
18 Jun, '21
Felix Kern Admin Merged"Add the ability to catalogue saved recipes" (suggested by Nausicaa on 2021-02-17), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Aug, '21
Felix Kern Admin"Filter search results to find custom foods and recipes" (suggested by Lou on 2021-03-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Sep, '21
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin Merged"Pro YAZIO favorite recipe organized into categories" (suggested by Deborah on 2020-11-19), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
10 Jan, '22
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin"Categories for favourite recipes" (suggested by Andre on 2018-11-29), including upvotes (12) and comments (5), was merged into this suggestion.